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internet security

CodeGuard SiteLock

6 Month(s)


Disk space - 1 GB
Websites - Up to 5
Databases - Unlimited
Automatic backup frequency - 5 days
Backups on demand - No
Priority Queues - No
Zip File Downloads - 5/months
Full website restore - 3/months
Individual File Restore - 5/month
Add to Cart

6 Month(s)


Disk space - 5 GB
Websites - Up to 10
Databases - Unlimited
Automatic Backup Frequency - Daily
On-demand backups
Priority Queues
Zip File Downloads - Unlimited
Restore Entire Website - Unlimited
Individual File Restore - Unlimited
Add to Cart

6 Month(s)


Disk space - 10 GB
Websites - Up to 25
Databases - Unlimited
Automatic Backup Frequency - Daily
On-demand backups
Priority Queues
Zip File Downloads - Unlimited
Restore Entire Website - Unlimited
Individual File Restore - Unlimited
Add to Cart

6 Month(s)


Disk space - 25 GB
Websites - Up to 100
Databases - Unlimited
Automatic Backup Frequency - Daily
On-demand backups
Priority Queues
Zip File Downloads - Unlimited
Restore Entire Website - Unlimited
Individual File Restore - Unlimited
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WHAT IS INTERNET SECURITY? Internet security is the branch of computer security that deals with identifying and preventing risks and threats that affect the Internet as a whole. It serves to establish rules and measures aimed at preventing, minimizing or eliminating security problems on the Internet. WHY IS INTERNET SECURITY SO IMPORTANT? Internet security is important because there is no such thing as a network that is immune to attack; A stable and efficient network security system is essential to protect customer and company data. A good system of Internet security standards will help prevent any type of cyberattack, from those that may lead to loss, theft or sabotage of data, through theft or damage to the company's intellectual property, to those that threaten the stability of the network and the infrastructure itself, as well as its availability. PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE SECURITY SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS You want to keep your website protected so you can focus on your business. We help you do it with a complete website security platform for every site. THE BEST SECURITY SOLUTIONS Ensure the safety of your visitors and protect their data
